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2012年1月28日 星期六
2011年4月19日 星期二
不可以! 你有女朋友,陳男卻對她說:妳這樣我進不去!
原文網址: 男硬上:妳這樣我進不去 女驚恐:本就沒打算讓你進來! | 頭條新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網 http://www.nownews.com/2011/04/18/91-2705787.htm#ixzz1JxH7BLvg
原文網址: 男硬上:妳這樣我進不去 女驚恐:我本就沒打算讓你進來! | 頭條新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網 http://www.nownews.com/2011/04/18/91-2705787.htm#ixzz1JxFDJrIy
原文網址: 男硬上:妳這樣我進不去 女驚恐:本就沒打算讓你進來! | 頭條新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網 http://www.nownews.com/2011/04/18/91-2705787.htm#ixzz1JxH7BLvg
原文網址: 男硬上:妳這樣我進不去 女驚恐:我本就沒打算讓你進來! | 頭條新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網 http://www.nownews.com/2011/04/18/91-2705787.htm#ixzz1JxFDJrIy
2011年3月16日 星期三
I dont understand why my boyfriends cat hates me so much? - Yahoo
I dont understand why my boyfriends cat hates me so much? - Yahoo ...
Why is my cat afraid of my boyfriends dad now? - Yahoo! Answers
8 Jun 2010 ... I got him about 7 months ago. he was about 2months old and ...
answers.yahoo.com › ... › All Categories › Pets › Cats - Cached
My boyfriends cats are locked in a room all day? - 18 Feb 2011
Why is my cat peeing on my boyfriends cloths? - 15 Feb 2011
Why does my boyfriends cat suddenly want to attack me? - 27 Dec 2010
My boyfriends cat died i dont know what to do? - 5 Sep 2010
14 Mar 2010 ... "I dont understand why my boyfriends cat hates me so much?" - Find the answer to this question and millions more on Yahoo!
uk.answers.yahoo.com › ... › All Categories › Pets › Cats - Cached
What can I do about his lost cat? - 6 posts - 21 Oct 2010
Should I keep my boyfriend or my cat? - 27 posts - 5 Dec 2009
More results from uk.answers.yahoo.com »
Why is my cat afraid of my boyfriends dad now? - Yahoo! Answers
8 Jun 2010 ... I got him about 7 months ago. he was about 2months old and ...
answers.yahoo.com › ... › All Categories › Pets › Cats - Cached
My boyfriends cats are locked in a room all day? - 18 Feb 2011
Why is my cat peeing on my boyfriends cloths? - 15 Feb 2011
Why does my boyfriends cat suddenly want to attack me? - 27 Dec 2010
My boyfriends cat died i dont know what to do? - 5 Sep 2010
More results from answers.yahoo.com »
Show more results from yahoo.com
How do I introduce my clawed cats to my boyfriend's declawed cats ...
20 Feb 2011 ... My boyfriend and I are planning to move in with eachother. I have two male cats that have claws and he has two female cats that are declawed ...
www.i-love-cats.com/.../cat.../how-do-i-introduce-my-clawed-cats-to-my-boyfriends-declawed-cats/ - Cached
Pictures of Cats org Blog: Boyfriends And Cats
30 Jan 2011 ... Boyfriends And Cats. Check out your boyfriend to see how he relates to your cat. If he gets on well, all is well. If your cat snarls and ...
cat-chitchat.pictures-of-cats.org/2011/01/boyfriends-and-cats.html - Cached
New boyfriend, old cat - cats and boyfriends
Ask MetaFilter
8 Dec 2010 ... I have 4 dogs and a cat. My boyfriend (I'll call him "Fred") has 1 .... I forgot to mention--Fred's dog is neutered and 10 years old ...
ask.metafilter.com/172612/New-boyfriend-old-cat - Cached
boyfriend or cat which would you choose if you had to?
29 posts - 25 authors
I would lose the boyfriend before my cats. I love my cats so much that if I ... definately the cat had a boyfriend who was jelous of my 5 cats so hes gone ...
www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=2225080757&topic=5379 - Cached
kenneth in the (212): The Truth About Cats and Boyfriends
5 May 2009 ... The Truth About Cats and Boyfriends. The truth is Larry and Michael are my two FAVORITE guys in the world. I love them both more than I can ...
www.kennethinthe212.com/.../truth-about-cats-and-boyfriends.html - Cached - Similar
ROUGH TRADE SAINT: Boyfriends Keep The Cats From Eating Your Face ...
24 May 2010 ... Boyfriends Keep The Cats From Eating Your Face, Right? There have always been jokes about how much I dislike people, how antisocial I am, ...
roughtradesaint.blogspot.com/.../boyfriends-keep-cats-from-eating-your.html - Cached
Why does my 10 month old cat try and bite my boyfriends nipples ...
Why does my 10 month old cat try and bite my boyfriends nipples every morning? Simple,your boyfriends nipples are just right for kitty(just like her ...
www.answerbag.com/q_view/135541 - Cached - Similar
Books, Boyfriends, and Big Cats by twigirl19
When Edward arrives home from hunting, he finds Bella in tears. Why?
www.twilighted.net/viewstory.php?sid=6746 - Cached
Helping My Cats Like My Boyfriends' Dogs?
6 posts - 6 authors - Last post: 8 Dec 2008
I have two cats. The male is 8 years old and the female is alittle over 2 years. My boyfriend and I are discussing moving in together.
www.mihav.com/.../cats/helping-my-cats-like-my-boyfriends-15151/ - Cached
boyfriends' cat allergy
5 Sep 2007 ... Your boyfriend could also look in to getting "immunized". Weird as it sounds, brushing the cat a lot can also help as there is then less ...
caloriecount.about.com/boyfriends-cat-allergy-ft55650 - Cached - Similar
How do I introduce my cats to my boyfriends dog?
http://pets ...
22 Nov 2010 ... I am about to move in with my boyfriend. He has a huskie and I have two cats that are a year old and have NEVER seen a dog.
pets.indie.my/.../how-do-i-introduce-my-cats-to-my-boyfriends-dog/ - Cached
Would you give up your pet, cat or dog for a boyfriend or hubbie ...
18 Mar 2010 ... Usually boyfriends and girflfriends don't last long. But cats and dogs will always be with you, even when they're dead. ...
pets.promo.web.id/would-you-give-up-your-pet-cat-or-dog-for-a-boyfriend-or-hubbie - Cached
Of Cats, Brothers and Boyfriends, a X-Men: Evolution and Slam Dunk ...
27 Jul 2009 ... A X-Men: Evolution and Slam Dunk - Romance/Humor crossover fanfiction with characters: Nightcrawler/Kurt W.. Story summary: Katarina Wagner ...
i am allergic to cats and my boyfriends family doesnt make it easy ...
Healthy lifestyle I am allergic to cats and my boyfriends family doesnt make it easy.....? my boyfriends family has a condo in vermont my family was in .
healthyz.com › Allergies - Cached
7 Tips to Get Your Cat to Like Your Boyfriend
It's a good idea to allow the cat to get to know the boyfriend, not the other way ... Once your cat and boyfriend appear comfortable with one another, ...
www.petplace.com/cats/7-tips-to-get...cat...boyfriend/page1.aspx - Cached
Cat or Boyfriend? Five Reasons Why Cats Are Better - DivineCaroline
If you believe the TV and Internet ads that say your only way to happiness and fulfillment is to find yourself a man, then you're...
www.divinecaroline.com/.../80211-cat-boyfriend-five-reasons-cats -
Why is my cat afraid of my boyfriends dad now? - Yahoo! Answers
8 Jun 2010 ... I got him about 7 months ago. he was about 2months old and ...
answers.yahoo.com › ... › All Categories › Pets › Cats - Cached
My boyfriends cats are locked in a room all day? - 18 Feb 2011
Why is my cat peeing on my boyfriends cloths? - 15 Feb 2011
Why does my boyfriends cat suddenly want to attack me? - 27 Dec 2010
My boyfriends cat died i dont know what to do? - 5 Sep 2010
14 Mar 2010 ... "I dont understand why my boyfriends cat hates me so much?" - Find the answer to this question and millions more on Yahoo!
uk.answers.yahoo.com › ... › All Categories › Pets › Cats - Cached
What can I do about his lost cat? - 6 posts - 21 Oct 2010
Should I keep my boyfriend or my cat? - 27 posts - 5 Dec 2009
More results from uk.answers.yahoo.com »
Why is my cat afraid of my boyfriends dad now? - Yahoo! Answers
8 Jun 2010 ... I got him about 7 months ago. he was about 2months old and ...
answers.yahoo.com › ... › All Categories › Pets › Cats - Cached
My boyfriends cats are locked in a room all day? - 18 Feb 2011
Why is my cat peeing on my boyfriends cloths? - 15 Feb 2011
Why does my boyfriends cat suddenly want to attack me? - 27 Dec 2010
My boyfriends cat died i dont know what to do? - 5 Sep 2010
More results from answers.yahoo.com »
Show more results from yahoo.com
How do I introduce my clawed cats to my boyfriend's declawed cats ...
20 Feb 2011 ... My boyfriend and I are planning to move in with eachother. I have two male cats that have claws and he has two female cats that are declawed ...
www.i-love-cats.com/.../cat.../how-do-i-introduce-my-clawed-cats-to-my-boyfriends-declawed-cats/ - Cached
Pictures of Cats org Blog: Boyfriends And Cats
30 Jan 2011 ... Boyfriends And Cats. Check out your boyfriend to see how he relates to your cat. If he gets on well, all is well. If your cat snarls and ...
cat-chitchat.pictures-of-cats.org/2011/01/boyfriends-and-cats.html - Cached
New boyfriend, old cat - cats and boyfriends
Ask MetaFilter
8 Dec 2010 ... I have 4 dogs and a cat. My boyfriend (I'll call him "Fred") has 1 .... I forgot to mention--Fred's dog is neutered and 10 years old ...
ask.metafilter.com/172612/New-boyfriend-old-cat - Cached
boyfriend or cat which would you choose if you had to?
29 posts - 25 authors
I would lose the boyfriend before my cats. I love my cats so much that if I ... definately the cat had a boyfriend who was jelous of my 5 cats so hes gone ...
www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=2225080757&topic=5379 - Cached
kenneth in the (212): The Truth About Cats and Boyfriends
5 May 2009 ... The Truth About Cats and Boyfriends. The truth is Larry and Michael are my two FAVORITE guys in the world. I love them both more than I can ...
www.kennethinthe212.com/.../truth-about-cats-and-boyfriends.html - Cached - Similar
ROUGH TRADE SAINT: Boyfriends Keep The Cats From Eating Your Face ...
24 May 2010 ... Boyfriends Keep The Cats From Eating Your Face, Right? There have always been jokes about how much I dislike people, how antisocial I am, ...
roughtradesaint.blogspot.com/.../boyfriends-keep-cats-from-eating-your.html - Cached
Why does my 10 month old cat try and bite my boyfriends nipples ...
Why does my 10 month old cat try and bite my boyfriends nipples every morning? Simple,your boyfriends nipples are just right for kitty(just like her ...
www.answerbag.com/q_view/135541 - Cached - Similar
Books, Boyfriends, and Big Cats by twigirl19
When Edward arrives home from hunting, he finds Bella in tears. Why?
www.twilighted.net/viewstory.php?sid=6746 - Cached
Helping My Cats Like My Boyfriends' Dogs?
6 posts - 6 authors - Last post: 8 Dec 2008
I have two cats. The male is 8 years old and the female is alittle over 2 years. My boyfriend and I are discussing moving in together.
www.mihav.com/.../cats/helping-my-cats-like-my-boyfriends-15151/ - Cached
boyfriends' cat allergy
5 Sep 2007 ... Your boyfriend could also look in to getting "immunized". Weird as it sounds, brushing the cat a lot can also help as there is then less ...
caloriecount.about.com/boyfriends-cat-allergy-ft55650 - Cached - Similar
How do I introduce my cats to my boyfriends dog?
http://pets ...
22 Nov 2010 ... I am about to move in with my boyfriend. He has a huskie and I have two cats that are a year old and have NEVER seen a dog.
pets.indie.my/.../how-do-i-introduce-my-cats-to-my-boyfriends-dog/ - Cached
Would you give up your pet, cat or dog for a boyfriend or hubbie ...
18 Mar 2010 ... Usually boyfriends and girflfriends don't last long. But cats and dogs will always be with you, even when they're dead. ...
pets.promo.web.id/would-you-give-up-your-pet-cat-or-dog-for-a-boyfriend-or-hubbie - Cached
Of Cats, Brothers and Boyfriends, a X-Men: Evolution and Slam Dunk ...
27 Jul 2009 ... A X-Men: Evolution and Slam Dunk - Romance/Humor crossover fanfiction with characters: Nightcrawler/Kurt W.. Story summary: Katarina Wagner ...
i am allergic to cats and my boyfriends family doesnt make it easy ...
Healthy lifestyle I am allergic to cats and my boyfriends family doesnt make it easy.....? my boyfriends family has a condo in vermont my family was in .
healthyz.com › Allergies - Cached
7 Tips to Get Your Cat to Like Your Boyfriend
It's a good idea to allow the cat to get to know the boyfriend, not the other way ... Once your cat and boyfriend appear comfortable with one another, ...
www.petplace.com/cats/7-tips-to-get...cat...boyfriend/page1.aspx - Cached
Cat or Boyfriend? Five Reasons Why Cats Are Better - DivineCaroline
If you believe the TV and Internet ads that say your only way to happiness and fulfillment is to find yourself a man, then you're...
www.divinecaroline.com/.../80211-cat-boyfriend-five-reasons-cats -
why does,
2011年2月16日 星期三
How To Make Money FastSimple Ways to Make Money Online March 8th, 2010
How To Make Money FastSimple Ways to Make Money Online March 8th, 2010
Almost every single day, people are asking me how to make money fast. Sometimes they are asking how to make money fast with the internet, and sometimes they just want to expand their income any way that they can.
Creating a fast income is obviously much different than creating an income over time. Since my area of expertise is how to make money using the internet, I’m going to throw out a few options that allow you to make good money in a relatively short period of time.
Here are a few of the methods that I have used myself:
Affiliate Marketing
With affiliate marketing, you can really make a lot of money in a hurry. Using paid traffic sources like Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing, you can push a lot of traffic to a page in a hurry. If you use that traffic to sell the products of others, you can make a healthy commission and create a fantastic income.
The downside of affiliate marketing is the inherent risk. Spending money is a risky business and at first you will need to take the time necessary to make sure you know what you’re doing. Make sure you aren’t spending too much while you’re learning.
Social Marketing
Using services like Facebook, Digg, and StumbleUpon can help you to create a healthy amount of traffic to your web site and can be accomplished very quickly. Over a period of a few weeks, you can gather a pretty decent audience to your site. The downside of this method is that this traffic can be hard to monetize. I would recommend getting started by learning SEO or affiliate marketing.
Blogging is a method that can really work to make solid money online. If you’re interested in blogging, you can read more or visit my friend’s sites on video blogging, ways to make money online, free webmaster tools, and passive income.
Learning how to make money fast online can be super beneficial and can provide you with a lifetime of healthy earnings. Have fun!!
Almost every single day, people are asking me how to make money fast. Sometimes they are asking how to make money fast with the internet, and sometimes they just want to expand their income any way that they can.
Creating a fast income is obviously much different than creating an income over time. Since my area of expertise is how to make money using the internet, I’m going to throw out a few options that allow you to make good money in a relatively short period of time.
Here are a few of the methods that I have used myself:
Affiliate Marketing
With affiliate marketing, you can really make a lot of money in a hurry. Using paid traffic sources like Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing, you can push a lot of traffic to a page in a hurry. If you use that traffic to sell the products of others, you can make a healthy commission and create a fantastic income.
The downside of affiliate marketing is the inherent risk. Spending money is a risky business and at first you will need to take the time necessary to make sure you know what you’re doing. Make sure you aren’t spending too much while you’re learning.
Social Marketing
Using services like Facebook, Digg, and StumbleUpon can help you to create a healthy amount of traffic to your web site and can be accomplished very quickly. Over a period of a few weeks, you can gather a pretty decent audience to your site. The downside of this method is that this traffic can be hard to monetize. I would recommend getting started by learning SEO or affiliate marketing.
Blogging is a method that can really work to make solid money online. If you’re interested in blogging, you can read more or visit my friend’s sites on video blogging, ways to make money online, free webmaster tools, and passive income.
Learning how to make money fast online can be super beneficial and can provide you with a lifetime of healthy earnings. Have fun!!
Laws of Persuasion for Online MarketingSimple Ways to Make Money Online 2010
Laws of Persuasion for Online MarketingSimple Ways to Make Money Online March 17th, 2010
Persuasion is the art and ability of influencing a person’s thoughts through some specific methods and strategies. Psychologist Robert Cialdini has written a book called Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. It’s a really a great book, which tells you how you can use the laws of persuasion to convert your prospects into actual sales. This is one of the best books I recommend for anybody on online marketing and sales.
Even though some people may not believe it, but it is true that human nature and behavior is quite predictable for some specific actions. For example, if you show them some specific type of advertisement, the viewers will respond in a predictable fashion. This is why the advertising companies are making so much money. By understanding how these laws of persuasion works, you can help doing better marketing and making better sales online.
Laws of Persuasion
There are 6 laws of persuasion.
In short:
1.Law of Reciprocity
2.Law of Commitment and Consistency
3.Law of Liking
4.Law of Scarcity
5.Law of Authority
6.Law of Social Proof
Now we will discuss all these laws in detail. These are called laws because they work on predictable human behavior.
Law of Reciprocity
It is in human nature to reciprocate any favor given to them. If someone gives you something which you wanted (or actually, you don’t want, but
you think that you wanted), you will feel obliged and would try to reciprocate giving something in return.
So, if you are selling something on your website and offering a free sample of it, people feel obliged and would like to return your favor by buying a product from your website. So this law of reciprocity can help you convert better on your website if you are offering something free or doing some sort of favor to your visitors.
Law of Commitment and Consistency
Law of commitment and consistency states that people try to be consistent in their thoughts and actions. Once they have taken a stand on something,
they will try to stick to it and it would be difficult for them to move from that stand. A simple example can be seen in a simple argument between
two people. The person giving wrong arguments sometimes realize that he is wrong, but still he will keep his stand on that side only. Similarly, if you
have made a commitment to some cause, it is easier to convince to increase it. This is why offline sales persons try to get “yes” out of your
mind. It makes your mindset into yes. So after committing yourself to “yes”, you will try to be consistent and will not say “no” to the product
offering by sales person.
This law of commitment and consistency can also be used for online affiliate sales by asking some positive questions on your website for which the customer says “yes” in his mind many times. And then offering your product with positive mindset. For Example:
- Do you really want to help yourself?
- Are you committed to help yourself?
- Do you want to improve your quality of life?
Then download this ebook of ours and achieve all this.
Law of Liking
Law of liking states that if you like someone, you will be more inclined to please them by doing a favor or buying a product. Offline example of law of liking is “good Cop, Bad Cop”, where person starts thinking that good cop is on his side.
The law of liking can be used in affiliate marketing by making your visitor comfortable on your website and making him liking you. So if your visitor think that you are like him and he likes you, there are more chances of him converting into sales.
Example: Let say you are selling a ebook about “Finding Teacher’s Job”. You can use the law of liking by giving statements like “There was a time when I was also searching for a good teacher’s job and wasted lots of my time going places and doing the search. I wrote this book for my type of people who are search for such jobs and don’t want to waste much of their time”. By stating this, you convince the visitor that you are/were like him
and he starts liking you (we like people more who are like us).
Law of Scarcity
We like to get things which are scarce. For example, lets say there is a product which you may not want to buy right now, but the moment in becomes “last one left”, you starts thinking of buying it.
I see the examples of this law being used on forums a lot where people sell some sort of ebooks. They keep the price to $99 and sell “just 5 copies at $10″ (which is actually the price on which the person wants to sell. But people gets into the law of scarcity and think that this $10 price is scarce and buy it.
So if you are selling a product and mark it as “limited number of copies will be sold” and states that only “last few left”, there are more chances of completed sales. You can later always increase the “number of copies”.
Law of Authority
Law of authority states that, we try to follow what the authorities do. We think that this is good enough for them; it should be good enough for me as well.
Offline examples of this can be seen on “Celebrity Endorsements”. Online examples of this can be seen in forums where people want to buy products reviewed by people who have authority status in the forum (more posts, more itrader, more reputation). If some authority person says that product is worth the money, many people buy them.
You can also use the law of authority on your website by creating some virtual authorities. For example, if you are selling some product related to pregnancy, you can use words like “Gynecologist experts have verified that the product is safe and produces great results”. Now who is the gynecologist expert, it may be you, yourself. Nobody asks that. So try to create some authority on your website and use the law of authority to make more sales.
Law of Social Proof
If everybody is doing it, I should do it as well. Example, if everybody around is laughing on a joke, you will smile as well even if you did not understand the joke. You think that if everybody is doing something, it must be right and you should do it as well.
Offline example of this can be seen on the advertisements of the “bestseller books”. “One Million Copies Sold”. You think that people are buying it, so it must be good. And you buy it as well.
So if you want to use this law to improve your online sales, provide the social proof that your product is being used by other people as well. You can provide this proof by “Testimonials” and “User Reviews”. If you are providing a review of a product and using affiliate link to make a sale on that page, then use the comments box on that page to get other people reviews on that as well. The more comments that page gets from people, there are more chances of sales, as people see that many people are
buying it and happy with it.
So in short these are the 6 laws of persuasion to influence the thoughts of online customers and how can they be used.
1.Law of Reciprocity (Offer something free)
2.Law of Commitment and Consistency (Ask question with “yes” as answers)
3.Law of Liking (Prove that you are like them)
4.Law of Scarcity (Only last 2 copies left)
5.Law of Authority (Experts says its good)
6.Law of Social Proof (Testimonials and Comments)
Persuasion is the art and ability of influencing a person’s thoughts through some specific methods and strategies. Psychologist Robert Cialdini has written a book called Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. It’s a really a great book, which tells you how you can use the laws of persuasion to convert your prospects into actual sales. This is one of the best books I recommend for anybody on online marketing and sales.
Even though some people may not believe it, but it is true that human nature and behavior is quite predictable for some specific actions. For example, if you show them some specific type of advertisement, the viewers will respond in a predictable fashion. This is why the advertising companies are making so much money. By understanding how these laws of persuasion works, you can help doing better marketing and making better sales online.
Laws of Persuasion
There are 6 laws of persuasion.
In short:
1.Law of Reciprocity
2.Law of Commitment and Consistency
3.Law of Liking
4.Law of Scarcity
5.Law of Authority
6.Law of Social Proof
Now we will discuss all these laws in detail. These are called laws because they work on predictable human behavior.
Law of Reciprocity
It is in human nature to reciprocate any favor given to them. If someone gives you something which you wanted (or actually, you don’t want, but
you think that you wanted), you will feel obliged and would try to reciprocate giving something in return.
So, if you are selling something on your website and offering a free sample of it, people feel obliged and would like to return your favor by buying a product from your website. So this law of reciprocity can help you convert better on your website if you are offering something free or doing some sort of favor to your visitors.
Law of Commitment and Consistency
Law of commitment and consistency states that people try to be consistent in their thoughts and actions. Once they have taken a stand on something,
they will try to stick to it and it would be difficult for them to move from that stand. A simple example can be seen in a simple argument between
two people. The person giving wrong arguments sometimes realize that he is wrong, but still he will keep his stand on that side only. Similarly, if you
have made a commitment to some cause, it is easier to convince to increase it. This is why offline sales persons try to get “yes” out of your
mind. It makes your mindset into yes. So after committing yourself to “yes”, you will try to be consistent and will not say “no” to the product
offering by sales person.
This law of commitment and consistency can also be used for online affiliate sales by asking some positive questions on your website for which the customer says “yes” in his mind many times. And then offering your product with positive mindset. For Example:
- Do you really want to help yourself?
- Are you committed to help yourself?
- Do you want to improve your quality of life?
Then download this ebook of ours and achieve all this.
Law of Liking
Law of liking states that if you like someone, you will be more inclined to please them by doing a favor or buying a product. Offline example of law of liking is “good Cop, Bad Cop”, where person starts thinking that good cop is on his side.
The law of liking can be used in affiliate marketing by making your visitor comfortable on your website and making him liking you. So if your visitor think that you are like him and he likes you, there are more chances of him converting into sales.
Example: Let say you are selling a ebook about “Finding Teacher’s Job”. You can use the law of liking by giving statements like “There was a time when I was also searching for a good teacher’s job and wasted lots of my time going places and doing the search. I wrote this book for my type of people who are search for such jobs and don’t want to waste much of their time”. By stating this, you convince the visitor that you are/were like him
and he starts liking you (we like people more who are like us).
Law of Scarcity
We like to get things which are scarce. For example, lets say there is a product which you may not want to buy right now, but the moment in becomes “last one left”, you starts thinking of buying it.
I see the examples of this law being used on forums a lot where people sell some sort of ebooks. They keep the price to $99 and sell “just 5 copies at $10″ (which is actually the price on which the person wants to sell. But people gets into the law of scarcity and think that this $10 price is scarce and buy it.
So if you are selling a product and mark it as “limited number of copies will be sold” and states that only “last few left”, there are more chances of completed sales. You can later always increase the “number of copies”.
Law of Authority
Law of authority states that, we try to follow what the authorities do. We think that this is good enough for them; it should be good enough for me as well.
Offline examples of this can be seen on “Celebrity Endorsements”. Online examples of this can be seen in forums where people want to buy products reviewed by people who have authority status in the forum (more posts, more itrader, more reputation). If some authority person says that product is worth the money, many people buy them.
You can also use the law of authority on your website by creating some virtual authorities. For example, if you are selling some product related to pregnancy, you can use words like “Gynecologist experts have verified that the product is safe and produces great results”. Now who is the gynecologist expert, it may be you, yourself. Nobody asks that. So try to create some authority on your website and use the law of authority to make more sales.
Law of Social Proof
If everybody is doing it, I should do it as well. Example, if everybody around is laughing on a joke, you will smile as well even if you did not understand the joke. You think that if everybody is doing something, it must be right and you should do it as well.
Offline example of this can be seen on the advertisements of the “bestseller books”. “One Million Copies Sold”. You think that people are buying it, so it must be good. And you buy it as well.
So if you want to use this law to improve your online sales, provide the social proof that your product is being used by other people as well. You can provide this proof by “Testimonials” and “User Reviews”. If you are providing a review of a product and using affiliate link to make a sale on that page, then use the comments box on that page to get other people reviews on that as well. The more comments that page gets from people, there are more chances of sales, as people see that many people are
buying it and happy with it.
So in short these are the 6 laws of persuasion to influence the thoughts of online customers and how can they be used.
1.Law of Reciprocity (Offer something free)
2.Law of Commitment and Consistency (Ask question with “yes” as answers)
3.Law of Liking (Prove that you are like them)
4.Law of Scarcity (Only last 2 copies left)
5.Law of Authority (Experts says its good)
6.Law of Social Proof (Testimonials and Comments)
2010年11月2日 星期二
軟體] 線上收聽廣播的好工具 HiRadio 1.2.4
[軟體] 線上收聽廣播的好工具 HiRadio 1.2.4 發表時間 : 2010-07-09 23:26:47
PS︰請下載 1.2.4 的版本

[軟體] 線上收聽廣播的好工具 HiRadio 1.2.4
發表時間 : 2010-07-09 23:26:47
線上收聽廣播的好工具 HiRadio 1.2.4
檔案大小:3.6 kb
系統支援:Windows XP/2003/Vista/7
官方網站:handy hiRadio Project
軟體下載:官方下載 按這裡不知您有沒有想聽個線上廣播,還要去搜尋引擎連到各個廣播電台慢慢找連結的經驗。現在要介紹一個好用的收聽線上廣播軟體 HiRadio 1.2.4,雖然他只有小小的幾 kb,可是卻能收聽幾乎全台灣所有的線上電台。
PS︰請下載 1.2.4 的版本
線上收聽廣播的好工具 HiRadio 1.2.4不知您有沒有想聽個線上廣播,還要去搜尋引擎連到各個廣播電台慢慢找連結的經驗。現在要介紹一個好用的收聽線上廣播軟體 HiRadio 1.2.4,雖然他只有小小的幾 kb,可是卻能收聽幾乎全台灣所有的線上電台。
檔案大小:3.6 kb
系統支援:Windows XP/2003/Vista/7
官方網站:handy hiRadio Project
軟體下載:官方下載 按這裡
PS︰請下載 1.2.4 的版本

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[軟體] 線上收聽廣播的好工具 HiRadio 1.2.4
發表時間 : 2010-07-09 23:26:47
線上收聽廣播的好工具 HiRadio 1.2.4
檔案大小:3.6 kb
系統支援:Windows XP/2003/Vista/7
官方網站:handy hiRadio Project
軟體下載:官方下載 按這裡不知您有沒有想聽個線上廣播,還要去搜尋引擎連到各個廣播電台慢慢找連結的經驗。現在要介紹一個好用的收聽線上廣播軟體 HiRadio 1.2.4,雖然他只有小小的幾 kb,可是卻能收聽幾乎全台灣所有的線上電台。
PS︰請下載 1.2.4 的版本
2010年11月1日 星期一
AntiVirus Software防毒軟體avast推出新版avast 5.0
[軟體] 免費好用的防毒程式 avast 5.0.594.0
發表時間 : 2010-07-09 21:14:32avast 5.0.594.0免費、好用且功能又強大的防毒軟體 avast 推出新版的 avast 5.0 了,免費版的 avast 包含了以下的功能︰
系統支援:Windows XP/2003/Vista/7
1. 防毒軟體和反間諜木馬軟體。
2. 能針對傳送及接收的電子郵件做掃描,確保無病毒感染。
3. 能夠防護即時通訊的病毒
4. 阻擋來自病毒網站的攻擊
並增進了 avast 的防護及掃描病毒的速度。


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